
This module provides a simple communication method between pairs of users. A teacher can open an dialogue with a student, a student can open a dialogue with a teacher, and (optionally) a student can open a dialogue with another student. A teacher or student can be involved in many on-going dialogues at any time.

A dialogue can have an unlimited number of entries, normally the "conversation" takes place as a set of interleaved replies. This format is not enforced and either party can add to the dialogue at any time.

A dialogue can be closed by either party at any time. Closed dialogues cannot be reopened. However, a closed dialogue can be viewed by either party provided it is still in existence...

...The module deletes closed dialogues and all their entries after a certain time. That time is set here when the Dialogue is created.

If the course has groups the following points apply.

  • When opening a new dialogue the teacher is shown the group mode of the dialogue and their current group. This information is displayed immediately below the Tab Bar.
  • A teacher can start dialogues with all the students in their current group by choosing the group name in the drop-down list of names. Once started the dialogues operate in the normal way, that is, they are one-to-one dialogues between the teacher and individual students.
  • If the dialogue is in SEPARATE GROUPS mode then students only see other students in their own group (assuming the dialogue allows student-to-student dialogues). In this mode students who are not in any group do not see any other students.

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